Day For Night vs. Eric Scott

I was at a multimedia conference in San Francisco, and became momentarily obsessed with typing this when I should have been listening to the speakers. Truth is, I was listening — it was to Hillman Curtis, who inspired me so much that I went into “processing” mode — which is where I free-associate, and instead […]


For me, Day For Night has never been about any political or social issues, because these really don’t, on the whole, interest me. Want a list of things that interest me? Here: inspiration people loneliness noise order chaos values (like-mindedness) And the list goes on, but none of these are hot issues. So the only […]

What was Day For Night?

Well, things do change over time, and it appears that each year, I had the impetus to sit down and try to define Day For Night in a new way that got me excited, and would trigger an opportunity to share something unique. Here’s one of the more pointless, and pompous attempts: What is Day […]

What else is Day For Night?

Day For Night has evolved primarily by means of accretion of music-based projects, articulated via an ongoing artistic monologue, and interpreted through audiovisual design; As inspiration enters this process, ideas are formed and recorded early in any media for an immediate response; This tension created by this intuitive-intellectual response informs the Day For Night catalogue, […]

I am never bored.

Personal expression sells. I derive my client work from pre-existing personal work. Ideas are neither good nor bad, but are merely awaiting to be positioned, and to find their ideal home. Personal tastes have always been a starting point for any work worth creating; therefore I have (essentially) close personal relationships with my clients and […]

I am alone, but…

Some of my work is predominantly about loneliness. We write about what we know. I was born alone, have lived alone, and assume that even when we die, we die, probably, alone. Grim, to some, maybe. To me, this is simply fact, and it lacks any particular charge – it is as potentially helpful, as […]

Day For Night.

Well, the main reason I do any of this is that I want to leave the world a better place than the way I found it. But what is Day For Night? That’s some question. Nobody knows for sure. But my bet is that it’s something to do with my fascination with music. Every time […]

People In "Compilation" Video

People In Progress “Testimonial Compilation” Video from Day For Night. This is a sequential-motion animated piece, produced originally in Flash, editorialized from a still-frame sequence and from audio captured during the 2002 video testimonials, which we recorded the development of the website.

People In "Jose" Video

People In Progress “Jose” Testimonial Video from Day For Night. This is a sequential-motion animated piece, produced originally in Flash, editorialized from a still-frame sequence and from audio captured during the 2002 video testimonials, which we recorded the development of the website.

People In "Lisa" Video

People In Progress “Lisa” Testimonial Video from Day For Night. This is a sequential-motion animated piece, produced originally in Flash, editorialized from a still-frame sequence and from audio captured during the 2002 video testimonials, which we recorded the development of the website.