Eric Scott :: The True Wheel [ Day 071 ]
Eric Scott “The True Wheel” Day 071 Animation from Day For Night.
On the surface, Day 071 “The True Wheel” is a metaphor for consistency and repetition within a symmetrical structure or framework. It borrows its title from the Brian Eno song off “Taking Tiger Mountain By Strategy” in which a repeating, circular 3-chord sequence develops over a four-bar pattern, creating a slippage in the chord sequence, emphasized every time “1” re-occurs.
Ostensibly, The True Wheel is a pre-Day For Night archive of the earliest works of Eric Scott, from “birth” to the 11th of April, 1991 (leading up to the first Day, of Day For Night).
An evolving repository of change, The True Wheel is a companion piece (visually) to Day 100 “Every Word I Ever Wrote”, and is also home to all manner of Flash experimentation; a virtual Actionscript and Flash source file archive, and a Millennium Wheel of sorts.
An accompanying audio CD is also presently in the works.